Czech for Foreigners

Our courses

  • MAVO language school is situated in the centre of Prague
  • 25 years of experience
  • A range of Czech for foreigners courses in a relaxed learning environment
  • A focus on conversational Czech
  • Courses will prepare you for the leading Czech Language Certificate Exams
  • We offer 5 basic levels: beginners, post-beginners, pre-intermediate, intermediate and advanced
  • We combine renowned textbooks and our own supplementary materials
  • For more information 24/7 call (+420) 734 456 963, write to or use our online chat

Měsíc zahájení

Cena kurzu: 1 694 Kč
Začátek kurzu:30.09.2024 14:30
Cena kurzu: 26 900 Kč
Začátek kurzu:18.11.2024 14:30
Cena kurzu: 13 900 Kč

Czech for Foreigners – Course I. – A0/BEGINNERS

This course will teach you survival Czech for everyday life and is aimed at people who are busy yet want to learn the basics of Czech or those who want to improve upon their very basic knowledge. Small groups: 3 – 8 students.

Czech for Foreigners – Course II. – A1/A2 POST-BEGINNERS

We often find that many people are in the position of having been in the Czech Republic for a number of months or years, that they have tried to study, picked up a few words and phrases but do not feel able to use their Czech or develop it further. Our courses are structured to steadily introduce new grammatical structures, and practice those that are already familiar, so that they may be useful on a daily basis. Our teachers structure the lessons to the needs of given students, advise on particular situations the students encounter in their work and social lives, and develop language skills that can be used always in real world situations. The grammar of the Czech language is broken down into manageable pieces so that even students who have struggled with the language for years find that they are soon building sentences and using the language day after day.

Czech for Foreigners – Course III. – PRE-INTERMEDIATE

So, you’re now regularly ordering food, exchanging pleasantries, but also asking questions to which you don’t invariably understand the answers. You get by but often fall back on your English and/or German. You have Czech friends and colleagues, sometimes wives and husbands, and you are committed to the Czech Republic, and motivated towards learning more. In this course we continue to develop your vocabulary, as well as your grammar and cultural knowledge. Now we are really getting into the area where we can begin to use more Czech and less English and enjoy the relaxed conversational focus MAVO is known for.

Czech for Foreigners – Course IV. – INTERMEDIATE

Now you’re talking! You have conversations at work, over the dinner table, perhaps at the in-laws. You are no longer scared of asking questions in shops, don’t get frowned at quite so often at information counter windows, but you know you make mistakes, and you struggle to understand those who don’t speak slowly and simply for you. You wish to progress that little bit more, develop fluency and, as is so important in Czech, a little precision in the way you speak. This course is for you.

Czech for Foreigners – Course V. – ADVANCED

Understandably, you have now reached a point where you are keen on hearing less English and wish to progress with your Czech in an emersion method. The following passage may sum up your attitude to the point you have reached on your journey:

Už rozumíte, píšete i mluvíte česky, ale ještě vaše znalosti nejsou perfektní? Potřebujete dobře mluvit i psát v obchodní sféře? Potřebujete nacvičit obchodní schůzku s klientem nebo prezentaci v českém jazyce? Tento kurz je pro vás.

Czech for Foreigners – Course A1/A2 – TEST PREPARATION

In addition to offering regular courses of Czech for foreigners at a range of levels, we are happy to discuss your needs and also offer individual courses for those who wish to advance with courses tailored to their level and specific goals, such as preparation for Czech Language Exams. If you want to take the A2 test just because you want to see some results of your studies or you want to gain permanent residentship and think that A1 is not enough, we can also prepare you for the A2 exam. We will focus on all the parts, practice them and you will again also take sample tests.

Schedule details: INDIVIDUAL LESSONS


Min. number of students: 1

Location: MAVO Language School (Senovážné náměstí 23, Prague 1)

MAVO jazyková škola

Address/classrooms: Senovážné náměstí 23, 110 00 Praha 1, 2nd floor (remember to pass the security to the atrium)

Office hours:

Monday 9:00 – 17:00
Wednesday 9:00 – 16:00
(currently online only)

Mob.: (+420) 734 456 963


Invoicing details:

MAVO s.r.o. – jazyková škola
Černošická 20
252 28 Vonoklasy

IČO: 62579461